Agreement with the Printing Press

Agreement with the Printing Press: Ensuring Quality Output for Your Print Materials

In today’s digital age, print materials are still an essential element in many businesses’ marketing strategies. From brochures to flyers, business cards to banners, printed materials help spread the word about your brand and products to your target audience. However, not all printing press services can guarantee outstanding quality for your print materials. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure an agreement with the printing press before entrusting them with your printing needs.

Here are some of the essential elements to include in your agreement with the printing press:

1. Pricing and Payment Terms

Transparency in pricing and payment terms is crucial in setting clear expectations for both parties. Make sure that all fees, including additional charges such as rush fees or delivery fees, are discussed and agreed upon beforehand. Payment terms should also be clear, including the acceptable payment methods and deadlines.

2. Print Quality and Specifications

The quality of the print materials significantly affects your business’s image and reputation. Be specific in your agreement about the desired print quality, including the color accuracy, image sharpness, and paper quality. The agreement should also outline the specifications for the print materials, including the size, quantity, and finishing options.

3. Turnaround Time and Delivery

Timeliness is another critical factor in printing services. Set realistic deadlines for the printing and delivery of your materials, taking into consideration the printing press’s workload and your business’s needs. The agreement should also include the expected delivery date and the mode of delivery.

4. Revisions and Corrections

Even with careful proofreading, mistakes can still occur in the printing process. The agreement should specify the process for revisions and corrections, including the acceptable number of revisions and the timeframe for making changes.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

Ensure that your intellectual property rights are protected in your agreement with the printing press. This includes copyright and trademark ownership of your print materials. The agreement should also outline the permissible use of your materials by the printing press.


An agreement with the printing press helps ensure that your print materials are of high quality and meet your business’s needs. The agreement lays out important details such as pricing, print quality, turnaround time, revisions, and intellectual property rights. By having a clear agreement, you can avoid misunderstandings and achieve a successful printing project.